Sports Trader Professional Version 3.0

Step-by-step guide for setting up this powerful system. Check out the latest version of Sports Trader and see what’s inside this powerful system.

Download Overview

When you first join the Z-Code membership, it can be a little overwhelming with a lot of information up front. But we breakdown each step of the Sports Trader system to simplify your set up process and make it easy to start placing your bets. Let’s get started.

Open a bookmaker account

Getting started by opening a broker account.

Download software

Easy software set up, and for extra assistance, a video tutorial.

Choose your systems

 Browse through and customize the many systems and trends the Sports Trader has to offer.

Place your bets

Timing is everything! Sports Trader active signals indicates when to place your bets. for best results. Let’s get started.


This easy to follow guide gives you a basic quick start to set up your Sports Trader portfolio. Customize it for your personal use.

1. Open up a bookmaker account

Bookmaker accounts

Select a bookmaker’s website and create an account. Here is a link for the bookmakers websites. Open at least 2 accounts, so you are able to place different bet types at different broker’s websites.

For further assistance to open a bookmaker account, check out this video

2. Download Sports Trader software

Select Your Platform

Select a software platform. Click download. Then click install. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux + Web based version on iPhone, iPad and Android!

Check out the video tutorial on how to download the Sports Trader software
This is a fully detailed walk-through video on setting up the Sports Trader

3. Choose the systems you want to follow

Set up your portfolio by selecting from over 5,000 trends and 200+ systems. You can customize your folder by choosing the systems that fit your criteria. Or, have the Portfolio Adviser customize it for you. Save your folders for quick access to all your systems and trends.

4. Place your bets and win!

2-3 hours before the game, Sports Trader calculates your picks. Follow the recommended calculations from Sports Trader predictions. Place your bets at your bookmaker’s website and withdraw your profits.



These are the Portfolio Adviser questions that help you select your systems, trends and calculate your bankroll.

1. Which sports do you follow?

There are two options: You can choose all sports or, select sports from the dropdown list. Sports that are included are: MLB, NHL, NBA, NFL, Soccer, Tennis, eSports, UFC, WNBA, NCAAB, NCAAF, Fantasy Sports, KLH, Hockey, Table Tennis, Aussie just toname a few.

a person typing on a laptop

2. Choose your profit expectation and risk tolerance:

Risk level types

Conservative, Standard, or Aggressive. Select how much money are you willing to place your bets on for sporting events. Depending on how much you wager will determine how much you win. 

Conservative tolerance

Low amount of risk for small gains. Perfect for beginners and lower bankroll bettors.

Moderate/Standard tolerance

Moderate is for more risk taking bettors willing to profit consistent gains.

High tolerance

High tolerance level is for more experienced and aggressive bettors with substantial bankrolls willing to risk higher a amount of money for the fastest profit gains.

3. The frequency, how often do you bet?

Choose your frequency

Minimum, Regular, or Maximum. These are the differrent levels of betting patterns. 

Minimum Bettor

Minimum is least amount for less committed sports followers.

Regular Bettor

Regular is moderate and consistent, for more dedicated sports followers.

Maximum Bettor

Maximum is for the most profits in a short amount of time.

4. Timing of the picks, how flexible are you in placing the bets?

Pick your time

Depending on your time-frame, place bets using these options: Anytime, no less than an hour before the game starts, or no less than 30 minutes before game starts.  The Portfolio Adviser calculates your bankroll, trends and systems that fit your criteria. Save your portfolio and set on auto-pilot for easy access. Job done!


Placing your bets anytime before, right to, and even during the start of the game for maximum profit.

No less than an hour

Place your bets no less than an hour before the game starts. Most active signals will not change after an hour before the game unless there is a very last minute change. If that happens check the line reversal tool for any updates prior to the game starting.

No less than 30 minutes

Place your bets no less than 30 minutes before game starts. This will give the most up to date line signals if there are any last minute changes before the game.


Here are some keywords used in the Sports Trader app and their functions. Sports Trader is a powerful system that can help you win consistently in sports betting. Following the recommended calculations from the Sports Trader app, and using the Z-Code expert predictions, you can place your bets with confidence.

System Selector

Located in the portfolio. A list of fully verified expert game predictors.

Active Signals

Indicators showing that a pick is ready for a bet to be placed.

Software Platform

This software supports: Windows, Mac, Linux + web based version on iPhone, iPad and Android!

Trends Selector

Indicates systems that are: active only, most profitable and stable, or both.

Past Signals

Displays the previous picks that have won or lost.

Trial Period

$7 trial with 100% full access for 3 days.

Bankroll Calculator

Tracking and storing the overall money in your account.


Click the link for the list of Recommended Bookmakers.

Risk Free

60-day money back guarantee.

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